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University of OregonUniversity of Oregon
Melissa Bruntlett
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Melissa Bruntlett

Royal HaskoningDHV

Sustainable Mobility Consultant

As a sustainable mobility consultant, Melissa uses her experience and expertise to help partners and clients better understand how a sustainable and just mobility transition needs to recognize the varied needs of people. Using storytelling to communicate the human experience, she has co-authored two books, Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality and Curbing Traffic: The Human Case for Fewer Cars in Our Lives. As a speaker and a consultant, she works collaboratively with partners to develop communications and engagement strategies, support stakeholder analysis and mapping, and provide workshops and capacity building session that encourage professionals and leaders to think differently about the people who make up their communities. The goal is to build awareness of why an empathetic approach to mobility is necessary to create inclusive cities. Behavior change takes time, and through greater understanding we can create more inclusive and welcoming spaces.



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