Urbanism Next
University of OregonUniversity of Oregon

Equity Impacts of Shared/Electric/Connected/Autonomous Vehicles

March 6, 2018 10:15 AM
11:45 am

1.5CM/LU Pending

Transportation expands access to opportunities, from jobs, to housing, to education. But not all transportation is created equally, and not all modes are equally accessible or equally used by diverse populations. The shared, electric, connected, and autonomous transportation future may help expand transportation choices and access to opportunities. However, if equity issues are not proactively considered and addressed, it may exacerbate existing inequality. This session will delve deeper into the question of how shared, electric, connected, and autonomous transportation may serve or impact diverse communities, what projects across the nation are currently dealing with these issues, and what tools agencies and practitioners can use to harness new technologies to benefit all. Equity will be explored through the lenses of gender, socioeconomics, age and ability, and geography (urban v. rural).

Veronica Siranosian
AICP, LEED, Green Associate, Vice President
Ryan Snyder
Transpo Group
Amanda Eaken
Director of Transportation and Climate, Urban Solutions Program
National Resources Defense Council
Jana Lynott
AICP, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor

Thank you to our partners

Urban Land Institute Northwest 2018
ASLA Oregon 2018
Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association 2018
American Planning Association 2018
AIA Portland 2018
Regional & Urban Design: An AIA Knowledge Community 2018

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