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Older Adults, New Mobility, and Automated Vehicles

AARP Public Policy Institute, RAND Corporation and Urbanism Next collaborated to better understand the ways in which shared mobility and AVs will be impacting older adults. Through a review of literature, interviews with public and private sector players in this arena, and a roundtable with over 25 experts from around the country, the project team developed a framework that identifies a range of factors around new mobility and AVs that will be affecting older adults’ mobility, independence and safety. The framework is a guide for governments and private sector companies to help them think broadly about impacts, understand barriers, and can serve as an internal checklist to guide future policy, research and development.
Key findings
Many older adults are harder-to-serve by current transportation options due to geography, resources, physical or cognitive impairments. They face numerous barriers that prevent them from fully benefitting from new mobility services today, and this gap in service will likely continue with AVs without coordination across sectors and various levels of government.
There is a lack of clarity on roles and responsibilities related to addressing these barriers for older adults between the private and public sector. There is no consensus on who should take the lead, who should take responsibility for identifying issues, who should implement solutions.
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