Online Shopping Was Supposed to Keep People Out of Traffic. It Only Made Things Worse

Online Shopping Was Supposed to Keep People Out of Traffic. It Only Made Things Worse

Online shopping is making congestion worse by adding endless delivery trucks to cities that are not designed to handle the rising number of daily deliveries.

Key findings

“The number of freight deliveries per person in America has doubled over the last decade with almost all of that growth attributable to internet buying.”

“Trucks, which represent 7% of total traffic, account for 28% of the nation’s congestion, according to the latest Urban Mobility Scorecard from the Texas A&M University Transportation Institute. That cost the economy about $160 billion in 2014 in terms of fuel waste, pollution and lost time, up 9% since 2009.”

“The true cost of free shipping and peak-hour deliveries —bad traffic, more smog, greenhouse gas emissions, wasted resources — is not reflected in our online shopping carts.”

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