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Does Urban Air Mobility Advance City Goals?

UAM is promoted as a service that could address a wide-range of city goals from reducing traffic congestion and emissions to improving access to destinations. At the forecast scale, however, trips will remain both too few and too expensive to meet broad city goals. While UAM may offer an exciting and futuristic technological vision, it can also distract attention and resources from proven policies and investments that could realize concrete improvements. For cities planning to pursue scaled UAM services, they should consider scenario planning and implement flexible regulations and plans that can be adapted and updated as understanding of UAM services’ costs, risks, and benefits evolve.
Key findings
Impact of UAM services on city goals islimited as even optimistic projections are expected to capture a low percentageof daily trips, limiting potential to significantly reduce traffic congestionor urban emissions or improve accessibility.
UAM services may create additional inequities if used primarily by higher-income groups dueto expense.
Public concerns exist around UAM including noise pollution, safety, and privacy.
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