Google Maps integrates with Lime in more than 100 cities

Google Maps integrates with Lime in more than 100 cities

Google Maps will show users where a Lime vehicle is available, how long it will take to walk there, a price estimate as well as battery range.

Key findings

Google Maps will now display available Lime vehicles in more than 100 global cities across Europe, the US, Australia, New Zealand and South America.

Using an Android device, users will be able to see if a Lime vehicle is available, how long it’ll take to walk to the vehicle, a price estimate of the ride, battery range, along with total journey time and ETA in the Google Maps app. iOS availability for this feature will launch in late August.

In cities like Paris, where electric scooters have been shown to reduce commuting times by more than 10 minutes, 85 per cent of Lime riders already report combining micro-mobility with other forms of transportation.

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